Friday, August 10, 2012

Hormones, Hormones, Hormones

"We don't see things as they are; we see them as we are." ~ Anais Nin

Dear Young Living Friends: Joy to you!

Lately, I noticed myself a bit more foggy than usual. Thinking maybe it is our extreme heat. Then I recalled in a consultation several years ago, with Dr. LeAnne Deardeuff, author of "Inner Transformations Using Essential Oils" and "Ultimate Balance Infusing the Vibrational Energy of Essential Oils into Chakras, Meridians and Organs", her mentioning this can be related to hormones. Thinking to myself I no longer have my periods why would this be an issue. Well the fact my periods have stopped several years ago, maybe I do need to look deeper.

I decided to look up Dr. LeAnne again to discover she has a wonderful eBook called "Taming the Dragon Within".

After reading this book it all made perfect sense and gave me a renewed perspective. Dr. LeAnne shares wonderful detailed information about how the endocrine system and hormones works and how you can find great support with Nature's Living Energy, Young Living's Essential Oils. This book is packed with loads of education and it is a very quick and easy read.

I immediately began using the essential oils suggested to support my pituitary, adrenals and thyroid. And what a huge difference it made in just a few short days. I highly recommend every woman (and man!) read this book! Dr. LeAnne Deardeuff's eBook "Taming the Dragon Within" costs only $6.57 it is well worth the read and investment to your health, well-being and hormones. You can purchase here Taming the Dragon Within. I also invite you to have a consultation with her to offer you an in-depth insight to your own personal situation. She is super talented and highly intuitive. If you do consult with just inform her I referred you.

Additionally, I recently used my last remaining drops of Brain Power, an essential oil blend which encourages and opens up physical and mental energy. It elevates greater clarity of thought and focus, and can deepen one’s spiritual connections. High in sesquiterpenes it helps increase the activity of the pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus glands to support the overall function of the growth hormone and melatonin. For the entire month of August you can receive 10% off Brain Power. I included this one in my monthly Essential Rewards which should arrive today!

Here's the link to the Monthly August Promotions. To learn more about Nature's Living Energy or ordering go to MyVibrantEssence. You may also contact my directly HERE.

As always I would love to hear your thoughts and / or feedback.

Thank you.

Fragrantly yours,